Friday, 7 December 2007

Paula's Opinion - Believe Whatever You Want - I Still Don't Have to Vote for You.


"You can Believe Anything You Want,
But That Doesn't Mean I Have To Vote for You!"

It's Not Discrimination. It's Discernment.
I'm not at all concerned about Romney becoming President based solely on his religion. I believe, just like the Puritans that Religious Freedom is essential. But please remember, that doesn't mean as a voter, I can't discern and choose the candidate I believe would be best, not just for our country, but also for the Kingdom. I thankfully have that right.

I believe the problem is much bigger then who will fill the role as President. Right now, with all these discussions surrounding religion, a new seed has already been planted. This seed is growing, but it's main purpose is to distort the true nature and character of Jesus Christ.

Inside the past few speeches, Romney has labels himself a Bible believing Christian (and by the way, Mormons don't read the Bible, they read the book of Mormon). It's the word "Christian" that's being challenged. That's it. Nothing More Than That Point Right There.

What could very possibly happen is that if believers don't take a stand on the true Jesus Christ, He will be misrepresented and this will lead to future generations not being able to recognize Him. This is what I fear most!

While in college a friend and I went skiing in Salt Lake City. I took a day off and went to the Mormon Visitors Center. I have never-ever been greeted - by any church - like I was that day. Everyone was so friendly and very family oriented. The multi-media show was nothing that I'd seen before. I was fascinated.

One year later I met a fellow in his early 30's who was trying to rebuild his life. He had been brought up as a Mormon, but one day, while still in his young 20's, he met a man who lovingly challenged him on his faith. All this man did was ask some really hard questions. The questions lead the young man to doubt the evidence of the Mormon church.

This is the sad part. Because he could not longer believe in Mormonism (remember we are all given the freedom to choose our religion), this man's family cast him out. Since then, I have met more people who were removed from their families because they didn't believe in the Mormon faith.

Does this sound like Christ to you? We followers of Christ can hold beautifully onto the Promise of God. For our Jesus will ALWAYS Love Us!

I'm going to list some points here for you to think about. Don't just take my word for it. Research these and find out who the real Jesus is.

With Love for you all,

1) As we know, Christ's life is never a secret - He's a shining light. Are there ANY secrets or special places in the Mormon church that can't be accessed by you or me?

2) When people die, what happens to them? Where do they go? What's waiting for them in Heaven?

3) What year did Mormonism start?

4) Who started it? And what did this person receive from God?

5) Who conceived Elohim? and Who is Elohim?

6) Who do the Mormons really believe the American Indians are?

7) As a Mormon, Who are the 3 people you will stand in front of at the final judgement?

8) Who do the Mormon's thank God for more than Jesus Christ?

Are these Christian Answers? Are we still able to call Mormon's Christians?

Whatever You Choose, I'm So Ever Thankful
That My Wonderful God Still Allows Me to Love You
- No Matter What You Believe!!

1 comment:

allyson said...

It's true- the Mormons don't let non-Mormons into their churches. My Mormon friend who recently got married wouldn't invite her non-Mormon friends (one of whom was her unofficial maid of honor- I'm not sure how all that worked out)into the church for the wedding. Instead they had to listen from outside.