Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Paula's Opinion - Huck Won't Give Views on Mitt's Faith- But Why Should He Have to?

A Team Player Standing Firm Against Unfair Journalism (Previously Huckabee wont give views on Mitt's faith)

I'm starting to go a bit loopy. The overwhelming number of irrelevant, manipulated and negative commentaries on Mike Huckabee's character could get the average churchgoer wondering about their own salvation; If Mike Huckabee is this bad of a guy, then how in the world can any of us make it to Heaven? To the faint-hearted, these literary battles turn the "Sticks and Stone" rhyme on it's head. The words might not break bones, but they can break and wear-down a heart.

Four years ago I too was scrutinise by the media when a few people, here in the UK stood firmly on a 'new,' century-old-idea: Teenage Purity and Abstinence. The new exhilarating media attention soon grew exasperatingly old. Once in a while my phone still rings for an opinion, but I now am wiser, knowing that when courting the media, you will be examined and studied by man's imperfect standards and agendas.

Journalistic Standards Are all Different?
The many moral codes, standards and agendas of these kinetically charged journalists differ. We're all aware that some want fame, others money and power. But one thing in common, they all love the hunt. Many bash their way to create an interesting angle, others wait patiently for that perfect trip-up moment when the newsworthy is sent sky-high in adoration, only to come crashing back down, victoriously break into a million little fatality stories. Watching a good death sells - and here we thought feeding people to lions was a thing in the past.

The Shallow Siege
The siege is now pointed to Huckabee's character for withholding his view on Mormonism and also whether women should take pastoral leadership rolls in the church. I hope the public is smart enough to realise that these questions are only asked of one candidate. Ummm. Why not the other? Wait a minute here. Is this another candidate's supporter posing as a writer or does this writer have an agenda to create a personal train wreck? Sadly, journalists have layered so many lies on top of their true aspiring purpose(s) that they have convinced themselves that it's all in the name of truth. If one wants to know and report truth, (or secrets), they need to dig down further than what their shallow and inconsistent agendas allow?

Choose with No Regrets
Unfair Journalism is old news but today, I believe we have a different kind of problem. The biggest problem with today's journalist is that so many are uneducated and unprepared to 1) Ask meaningful questions on pertinent issues, 2) Objectively look at a person's past actions or deeds (the best indicator) before writing their stories. If we voters continue to be side-tracked and caught up in the insignificant news article, then we could be walking down a regretful road come election time. Could that be what the media wants?

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