Sunday, 2 December 2007

Paula Opinion - The Evidence for Outstanding Leadership is Obvious!

It just doesn't make sense. Why would a traditionally democratic, hand-out State like Arkansas re-elect - and more than once may I add - a conservative Republican like Huckabee? Shazammm, It just ain't natural!!!

While listening to a few state employees reminisce about their work-years with Huckabee, it became all too obvious; When Huckabee entered into the political arena - many residents saw (possibly for the first time) a positive shift that voters stood by come next election time.

So ask yourself...
  • How many Governors do YOU know can say they balanced the budget every year while in office?
  • How many Republican Candidates do YOU know can say that 48% of the African American community voted them back into office not just once, but twice?

Since this just ain't a natural way for people to be-haven....Maybe it's supernatural.

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